Books (Bücher) of Sergio Montenegro

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2020: Rogerio Atem de Carvalho, Jaime Estela, Martin Langer, .... Sergio Montenegro

Nanosatellites: Space and Ground Technologies, Operations and Economics
Chapter 1-2a: On-board Computer and Data Handling (Pages: 31-50) march. 2020
Print ISBN:9781119042037 |Online ISBN:9781119042044 |DOI:10.1002/9781119042044
Nanosatellites: Space and Ground Technologies, Operations and Economics comprehensively presents the latest research on the fast-developing area of nanosatellites. Divided into three distinct sections, the book begins with a brief history of nanosatellites and introduces nanosatellites technologies and payloads, also explaining how these are deployed into space. The second section provides an overview of the ground segment and operations, and the third section focuses on the regulations, policies, economics, and future trends.

Key features:

  • Payloads for nanosatellites
  • Nanosatellites components design
  • Examines the cost of development of nanosatellites.
  • Covers the latest policies and regulations.
  • Considers future trends for nanosatellites.
Nanosatellites: Space and Ground Technologies, Operations and Economics is a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners working with nanosatellites in the aerospace industry.

2016: Nils Gageik, Christian Reul and Sergio Montenegro

Recent Advances in Robotic Systems
Chapter 1: Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects
Intech (Technology Open access books) Sep. 2016, ISBN 978-953-51-2571-6, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2570-9
This book brings together some recent advances and development in robotics. In 12 chapters, written by experts and researchers in respective fields, the book presents some up-to-date research ideas and findings in a wide range of robotics, including the design, modeling, control, learning, interaction, and navigation of robots. From an application perspective, the book covers UAVs, USVs, mobile robots, humanoid robots, graspers, and underwater robots. The unique text offers practical guidance to graduate students and researchers in research and applications in the field of robotics.

Chapter 1: Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects
This chapter describes and evaluates the design and implementation of a new fully autonomous quadrocopter, which is capable of self¿reliant search, count and localization of a predefined object on the ground inside a room. A camera attached to the quadrocopter and directed at the ground is used to find the searched objects and to determine its positions during the autonomous flight in real time. Hence, objects that fulfil the scanning parameters can be found in different positions. Based on its own known position and the position of the object in the picture of the camera, the position of the detected objects can be determined. Thus, repeated detections of objects can be excluded. Consequently, objects can be counted and localized autonomously. The position of the object is transferred to the ground station and compared with the true position to evaluate the system. Two different search situations and two different strategies, breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS), are investigated and their results are compared. The evaluation shows the potential, constraints and drawbacks of this approach just as the effects of the search strategy, and the most important parameters and indicators such as field of view (FOV), masking area (MA) and minimal object distance. Moreover, the accuracy, performance and completeness of the search are discussed. The entire system is composed of low¿cost components and constructed from scratch. Its integration in the innovative real¿time operating system RODOS (Real¿time Onboard Dependable Operating System) developed by the German Aerospace Centre is described in detail. RODOS has been developed for embedded systems such as satellites and comparable aerospace systems.

Keywords: autonomous UAV, quadrocopter, quadrotor, search and rescue, count, object localization

2009: Sergio Montenegro

Handbook of Space Technology (Chapter 4.6: Data Handling System)
Wiley, May. 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-69739-9
Authored by over 70 leading experts from universities, research institutions and the space industry, this comprehensive handbook describes the processes and methodologies behind the development, construction, operation and utilization of space systems, presenting the profound changes that have occurred in recent years in the engineering, materials, processes and even politics associated with space technologies and utilization. The individual chapters are self-contained, enabling the reader to gain a quick and reliable overview of a selected field; an extensive reference and keyword list helps those who wish to deepen their understanding of individual topics.

Main section headings include:

  • Introduction (historical overview, space missions)
  • Fundamentals (orbital mechanics, aerothermodynamics/ reentry, space debris)
  • Launch Vehicles (staged technologies, propulsion systems, launch infrastructure)
  • Space Vehicle Subsystems (structure, energy supply, thermal controls, attitude control, communication)
  • Aspects of Human Flight (man in space, life support systems, rendezvous and docking)
  • Mission Operations (satellite operation, control center, ground station network)
  • Utilization of Space (Earth observation, communication navigation, space astronomy, material sciences, space medicine, robotics)
  • Configuration and Design of a Space Vehicle (mission concept, system concept, environmental simulation, system design, Galileo satellites)
  • Management of Space Missions (project management, quality management, cost management, space law

2008: Sergio Montenegro

Part IV, of book Robust Intelligent Systems
Springer, Sept. 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84800-260-9
Robustness is an intriguing phenomenon in many complex intelligent systems, natural and artificial alike. This book investigates the relevance of robustness in a modern intelligent computing context, where many systems take inspiration from fundamental problem-solving strategies found in nature such as redundancy, granularity, adaptation, repair, and self-healing for creating robust systems.

Part IV: Robustness in Space Applications.- Robustness as Key to Success for Space Missions.- Robust and Automated Space System Design

2007: Sergio Montenegro (Kap. 4.6)

Kap. 4.6 Buch: Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik
Hanser Verlag, Okt. 2007, ISBN: 978-3-446-41185-2
Das komplett vierfarbig gedruckte Handbuch bietet Studierenden, Ingenieuren und Wissenschaftlern sowie ambitionierten Raumfahrtinteressierten detaillierte Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt der Raumfahrt. Ausgehend von den Grundlagen, werden in den Hauptkapiteln
  • Einleitung
  • Grundlagen
  • Trägersysteme
  • Raumfahrt-Subsysteme (Kap 4.6)/
  • Aspekte bemannter Missionen
  • Missionsbetrieb
  • Raumfahrtnutzung
  • Konfiguration/Entwurf eines Raumflugkörpers
  • Management von Raumfahrtprojekten
in 42 Unterkapiteln vor allem die Abläufe und Methoden für die Entwicklung, den Bau, den Betrieb und die Nutzung von Raumfahrtsystemen beschrieben.

1999: Sergio Montenegro

Buch: Sichere und Fehlertolerante Steuerungen
Hanser Verlag, Sept. 1999, ISBN: 3-446-21235-3
Jede Maschine, die wir benutzen, birgt eine Gefahr in sich, und oft stehen Sicherheit und Funktion gegeneinander. Bei der Frage: Funktion oder Sicherheit? Sofort anhalten oder weiterlaufen lassen, bis es zu gefährlich wird? wofür wird man sich entscheiden? Sicherheit, Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit hängen zusammen und werden strukturiert. Die Gefahren dagegen kommen vor dort, wo keiner sie erwartet ist sind meistens eine böse Überraschung.
  • 1. Grundlagen (Gefahr, Risiko, Natur der Fehler, Sicherheit, Fehlertoleranz),
  • 2. Konzeption sicherheitsrelevanter Systeme (Komplexität, Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation),
  • 3. Gefahren erkennen und beherrschen,
  • 4. Sicherheit und Fehlertoleranz (bei Sensoren, Aktuatoren, Prozessoren, Kommunikation),
  • 5. Echtzeitprogrammierung,
  • 6. Fehlertoleranz gegen Entwicklungsfehler,
  • 7. Korrekte Entwicklung