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Raffaele Vitulli, Sergio Montenegro;
High Performance Ultra High Dependable Architecture for Autonomous Robotics in Space
9th ESA Workshop on
Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation
Oct. 2006.
Sergio Montenegro;
Wurzel allen Übels in Software: Die Komplexität
Vsek Bericht, FKZ 01 IS C65
Raffaele Vitulli, Sergio Montenegro;
a sw middleware to provide ultra high dependability in space
using cots-computers
Small Satellite Systems and Services
The 4S Symposium
Sept. 2006.
F. Afonso , C. Silva, S. Montenegro and A. Tavares
Implementation of Middleware Fault Tolerance Support for
real-time embedded applications
18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 06)
Dresden, Germany July 5-7, 2006
H. Kayal, K. Briess; Tecnical University Berlin
S. Montenegro; Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
BEESAT: A pico satellite for the on orbit verification of micro wheels
Publication pending
S. Montenegro; Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
K. Briess, H. Kayal ; Tecnical University Berlin
Dependable Software (BOSS) for the BEESAT pico satellite
Abstract here
DAta Systems In Aerospace -
DASIA 2006, May 2006, Berlin
P. Marra ; Alcatel Alenia Space
S. Montenegro; Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
F. Fusco, E. Crudo ; Galilgeo Abionica S.p.a. Italy
R. Vitulli ; ESA, Estec
D. Akuaste ; Syderal
HiPeRCAR: The High Performance Resilient Computer for Autonomous Robotics
DAta Systems In Aerospace -
DASIA 2006, May 2006, Berlin
F. Afonso , C. Silva, S. Montenegro and A. Tavares
Middleware Fault Tolerance Support for the BOSS Embedded Operating System
Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems
Vienna University of Technology, Austria, June 30th, 2006
Sergio Montenegro;
Stefan Jähnichen;
Olaf Maibaum
Simulation-Based Testing of Embedded Software in Space Applications
Workshop: Embedded Systems - Modeling , Technology and Applications 2006
Springer, ISBN: 1-4020-4932-3
Michael Ruffer;
Sergio Montenegro;
CAN: Controller Area Network
Vsek Bericht, FKZ 01 IS C65
Michael Ruffer;
Sergio Montenegro;
CAN: Einbindung des Controller Area Networks in BOSS zum Einsatz in Picosatelliten
Vsek Bericht, FKZ 01 IS C65
Sergio Montenegro;
Hans Werner Pohl
BOSS: Verlässliches Real-Time- Betriebssystem und Middleware
Vsek Bericht, FKZ 01 IS C65
Sergio Montenegro
Erfahrungsbericht: Sicherheitsdesign für eingebettete und sicherheitsrelevante Systeme
Vsek bericht, FKZ 01 IS C65
Sergio Montenegro, Klaus Briess, Hakan Kayal
Dependable and flexible Board computer Software for pico satellites
ISBN: 3-11-018851-1
De Gruyter Verlag
Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation
Selected Proceedings
Sergio Montenegro, Friedrich Schoen, Marko Fabiunke
Position paper Towards an OS for Control
Workshop on Network centric operating systems
Brussels, 16-17 Mach 2005
Sergio Montenegro, Klaus Briess, W. Baerwald, E. Gill, O. Montenbruck, W. Halle
Technology demonstration by the BIRD-Mission, 3Th year
Acta Astronautica Voulme 56, Janaur 2005
ISSN 0094-55765
Sergio Montenegro, Hans-Peter Röser, Felix Huber
BOSS: Software and FPGA Middleware for the flying-laptop Microsatellite.
DASIA2005 (DAta Systems In Aerospace),
30th Mai ... 2th Jun 2005 Edinburgh, Scotlan.
Sergio Montenegro, Felix Holzky
BOSS/EVERCONTROL OS /Middleware Target ultra high Dependability
DASIA2005 (DAta Systems In Aerospace),
30th Mai ... 2th Jun 2005 Edinburgh, Scotlan.
Sergio Montenegro, Klaus Briess, Hakan Kayal
Dependable and flexible Board computer Software for pico satellites
ISBN: 3-89685-570-0
Wissenschaft & Technik Verlag
IAA-2005, Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation
April 4 - 8, 2005, Berlin, Germany
Sergio Montenegro
Wann ist ein System sicher?
Elektronik, Fachzeitschrift fuer industrielle Anweder
2/2005 Rubrik Software sicherheit
Sergio Montenegro, F. Holzky
BOSS/EverControl, Dependable RT-OS and Middleware,
Software in the Loop Test SILEST with BOSS
AAET-2005, Automation, Assisstance and Embedded Real Time Platforms for Transportation
Feb. 2005 in Braunschweig, Germany
ISBN: 3-937655-04-2
Sergio Montenegro, et al.
Rubrik Software der Zukunft
Beitrag zu "Programmierter Absturz"
Chip Computer & Communications
9/2004, Seite 142
Sergio Montenegro, Felix Holzky,
BOSS Design for dependability
Design & Elektronik Entwicklerforum Embedded Betriebssysteme
7. July 2004, M.O.C. Muenchen
ISBN (Pending)
Sergio Montenegro & Felix Holzky,
Neue Software Technologie im Weltraum
Elektronik, Weka Fachzeitschrifen
Ausgabe 14/2004
Rubrik Software -- Betriebssysteme
Sergio Montenegro & Felix Holzky,
Fehlerursache Komplexitaet
Design&Elektronik, Weka Fachzeitschrifen
Ausgabe 7/2004
E.L. Akim, P.Behr, K. Briess, V.V.Egorov, E. Defunun, S. Kalashnikov, A. Kalinin, K. Kolk, S. Montenegro, I. Rodionov,
M. Ovchinnikov, A. Rolov, S. Pletner, B. SHub, L. Vadeshin, D. Vorontsov
The Fire infrared-Hyperspectral monitoring
Russian - Germna join for International Earth OBservation mission
Kongres, Kedysh Institute of applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of science
Print #32 3a 2004r
A.A.Belov, P.Behr, E.Yu.Fedounin, A.A.llyin, A.P.Kalinin, N.A.Korovin,
S.Montenegro, A.G.Orlov, A.N.Ostanniy, M.Ovchinnikov, S.Pletner, I.Ritus, A.Rodionov, I.Rodionov, I.Rodionova,
D.Vorontsov, B.Zubkov
Software for the Distrubuted On-Board COmputer System Prototype
Kongres, Kedysh Institute of applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of science
Print #14 3a 2004r
A.A.Belov, P.Behr, E.Yu.Fedounin, A.A.llyin, A.P.Kalinin, N.A.Korovin,
S.Montenegro, A.G.Orlov, A.N.Ostanniy, M.Ovchinnikov, S.Pletner, I.Ritus, A.Rodionov, I.Rodionov, I.Rodionova,
D.Vorontsov, B.Zubkov
Distributed On-Board Computer System Prototype
Kongres, Kedysh Institute of applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of science
Print #25 3a 2004r
S. Montenegro, , F. Holszky, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
BOSS: Ein verlaessliches Open-Source Betriebssystem
Kongress Embedded Betriebssysteme, Munchen 2004, Desing & Elektronik
Weka Zeitschriften Verlag
S. Montenegro, , R. Rasche, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
Keno: mit Sicherheit Zufaelling
Elektronik Magazin
Weka Zeitschriften Verlag
S. Montenegro, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
BOSS: Embedded Operating System design for dependability and for formal verification
Design & Elektronik Entwicklerforum Embedded Betriebssysteme
14. Oktober 2003, M.O.C. Muenchen
ISBN 3-88579-365-2
S. Montenegro, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
New Software Technology in Space: BOSS - a dependable Open Source Embedded Operating System
GI-Edition Sicherheit - Schutzt und Zuverlaessligkeit
ISBN 3-88579-365-2
P. Behr, S. Montenegro, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
W. Baerwald, K. Briess, DLR, Germany
Fault Tolerance and COTS: Next Generation of High Performance Satellite Computers
see the slices
DAta Systems In Aerospace -
DASIA 2003, 2-6 June 2003, Prague, Czech Republic