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Innocube der erste drahtloser satellit
S. Montenegro, T. Baumann, E. Dilger, F. Sittner, M. Strohmeier, T. Walter, S. Gläsner
InnoCubE Der erste Drahtloser Satellit
all papers from dlrk2022
An Educational Platform for Testing and Evaluating Satellite Control Algorithms in a Real-Time and Frictionless Environment
Khubaib Ahmad, Atheel Redah, Arslan Arif, Awais A Khan, M Kamran Saleem, and Sergio Montenegro
Thrust Vector Observation for Force Feedback-Controlled UAVs
Lennart Werner, Michael Strohmeier, Julian Rothe and Sergio Montenegro
Drones Journal
A new innovative real-time tracking method for flying insects applicable under natural conditions
Thomas Walter, Jacqueline Degen, Keram Pfeiffer, Anna Stöckl, Sergio Montenegro, Tobias Degen
BMC Zoologie
Innocube: venturing new technologies in space: wireless
satellite and storing energy in the structure
Sergio Montenegro
Aerospace and Aeronautics World Forum 2021
A Configurable Framework for Satellite Software
Frank Flederer; Sergio Montenegro
2021 IEEE 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS)
Model-Based Framework for On-Board-Software
Frank Flederer, Sergio Montenegro
Small Satellite Conference 2021, Utah
Creating a Setup to Assess the Use of Virtual Reality for Mission Control
Felix Sittner, Sergio Montenegro, et al.
Small Satellite Conference 2021, Utah
INNOCUBE Real Time Radio Protocol
Sergio Montenegro
33rd Euromicro Conference on Ral Time Systems
5-9 July 2021, Virutal Conference
Software Streamlining: Reducing Software to Essentials
Michael Dorin; Sarija Janardhanan; Sergio Montenegro
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV (ICA-ACCA)
Machine learning in planetary rovers: a survey of learning versus classical estimation methods in terramechanics for in-situ exploration
AmenosisLopez-Arreguin, Sergio Montenegro
Journal of Terramechanics
Towards in-situ characterization of regolith strength by inverse terramechanics and machine learning: a survey and applications to planetary rovers
Amenosis Lopez Arreguin, Sergio Montenegro, Erik Dilger
Elsevier Planetary and Space Science
A Testbed for a three dimensional Pico-Sphere Satellite-Simulator(T3Dpilare)
Muhammad Faisal; Florian Wolz; Felix Dengel; Sergio Montenegro
IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), IEEE International
InnoCube -- A Wireless Satellite Platform to Demonstrate Innovative Technologies
Benjamin Grzesik Tom Baumann Thomas Walter Frank Flederer Felix Sittner Erik Dilger Simon Gläsner Jan-Luca Kirchler Marvyn Tedsen Sergio Montenegro Enrico Stoll
MPDI aerospace Jpurnal
Paths not taken - The Gossamer roadmap - other options
Jan Grundmann, PeterSpietz, ....., Sergio Montenegro,
Advances in Space Research, Feb 2021
The MASCOT lander aboard Hayabusa2: The in-situ exploration of NEA (162173) Ryugu
Jan Grundmann, Tra-Mi Ho, .... Sergio Montenegro,
Planetary and Space Science
Ethical Lapses Create Complicated and Problematic Software
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
CSE 2021: 2nd Workshop on Ethics in Software Engineering Research and Practice
4th June 2021,
Paths Not Taken - the Gossamer Roadmaps Other Options
Jan Thinmo Grundmann, et all.
Linguistic Economy Applied to Programming Language Identifiers
Michael A. Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA) issue (Vol.14 No.1 2021)
Open Source Medical Device Safety: Loop Artificial Pancreas Case Report
Michael Dorin, Heather Mortensen, Sergio Montenegro
2020 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering - (SPCE Portland)
Awareness Implementation of a Real Time Operating Systems(RTOS) for Debugging
Muhammad Faisal; Sergio Montenegro
International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD'20)
Using Machine Learning Image Recognition for Code Reviews
Michael Dorin,Trang Le, Rajkumar Kolakaluri and Sergio Montenegro
10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY 2020), November 28~29, 2020, London, United Kingdom
Volume Editors : David C. Wyld, Dhinaharan Nagamalai (Eds)
ISBN : 978-1-925953-29-9
The Floating Satellite System as an Educational Platform for Space Applications
Atheel Redah; Muhammad Faisal; Sergio Montenegro
Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEE&T) , TU München
2020, October 21 -23
Applying The Linguistic Principle of Least Effort to Programming Languages
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
2020, Nov 16 - 20
Open Source Medical Device Safety: Loop Artificial Pancreas Case Report
Michael Dorin, Heather Mortensen, Sergio Montenegro
SPCE - IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance
2020, Nov.28, 29
Using Machine Learning Image Recognition for Code Reviews
Michael Dorin, Trang Le, S, Rajkumar Kolakaluri, Sergio Montenegro
International Conference on Data Science and Applications (DSA 2020):
A Modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller(M-MRAC) Using an Updated MIT-Rule for theAltitude of a UAV
Julian Rothe, Jasper Zevering, Michael Strohmeier and Sergio Montenegro
Electronics - Open Access Journal
Towards bio-inspired robots for underground and surface exploration in planetary environments: An overview and novel developments inspired in sand-swimmers
A.J.R.Lopez-Arreguin, S.Montenegro
Improving Limitations of Rover Missions in the Moon and Planets by Unifying Vehicle-Terrain Interaction Models
Amenosis Lopez-Arreguin & Sergio Montenegro
Advances in Astronatucis Science and Technology
Book: Advances in Astronatucis Science and Technology
Improving limitations of rover missions in the Moon and planets by unifying vehicle-terrain interaction models
Amenosis Lopez, Sergio Montenegro
Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology
Innocube - Overview of the First Wireless Bus System Innovative CubeSat for Education with CFRP Battery Structure
B. Grzesik, S. Montenegro S 2 , E. Stoll
4S Symposiumxs / ESA
Towards Self-Aware Multirotor Formations
Dennis Kaiser, Veronika Lesch, Julian Rothe, Michael Strohmeier, Florian Spieß,
Christian Krupitzer, Sergio Montenegro and Samuel Kounev
Electronics Special Issue "Applications in Self-Aware Computing Systems and their Evaluation"
Fractal Distribution of Medical Data in Neural Network
Nataliya Boyko, Maxim Kuba, Lesia Mochurad, Sergio Montenegro
IDDM 2019 Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine
A unified approach for memory protection in a bare-metal and a real time operating system
Muhammad Faisal, Erik Dilger, Sergio Montenegro
ACM Digital library
Teaching Software Engineering to Career-Changers
Michael Dorin ; Juan Manuel Machuca ; Sergio Montenegro
2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE)
Improving engineering models of terramechanics for planetary exploration
A.J.R.Lopez-Arreguin, S.Montenegro
Performance and Utilization Results for Time-Triggered Data Transfers Over Space Wire
Kai Borchers ; Daniel Lüdtke ; Sergio Montenegro ; Frank Dannemann
EEE Xplore Digital Library
Volatile Register Handling for FPGA Verification Based on SVAs Incorporated into UVM Environments
Kai Borchers ; Daniel Lüdtke ; Sergio Montenegro ; Frank Dannemann
EEE Xplore Digital Library
Solar Sails for Planetary Defense & High-Energy Missions
Jan Thimo Grundmann et al. ... Sergio Montenegro
EEE Xplore Digital Library
Metrics to Understand Future Maintenance Effort Required of Complicated Source Code
Michael Dorin and Sergio Montenegro
Congreso Internasional De ingenieria de Systemas, Lima, Peru 5. Septiember 2019
HONEYCLOUD - Combining research and teaching in a project for the digitalization of beekeeping
Alexander Hilgarth, Michael Dorin and Sergio Montenegro
Congreso Internasional De ingenieria de Systemas, Lima, Peru 5. Septiember 2019
Complicated Source Code and Medical Devices
Michael Dorin, and Sergio Montenegro
Uniting Connected Medical Innovation Pioneers,Minneapolis, 24th oct. 2019
Open Source & Personal Medical Devices: Interpreting risk through an evaluation of software testing
Michael Dorin, Heather Mortensen, and Sergio Montenegro
Uniting Connected Medical Innovation Pioneers,Minneapolis, 24th oct. 2019
Instant-Rodos: An Instant-Up Version of the Rodos Operating System
Michael Dorin, Dr. Sergio Montenegro
12th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop, Sep 12-13, 2019, Würzburg, Germany
"HONEYCLOUD - Combining research and teaching in a project for the digitalization of beekeeping"
Alexander Hilgarth, Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
2019 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
September 2019, Peru
Open Source & Personal Medical Devices, Interpreting Risk through an evaluation of software testing
Michael Dorin, Heather Mortensen, Sergio Montenegro
2019 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
September 2029, Peru
Eliminating Software Caused Mission Failures
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference
Volatile Register Handling for FPGA Verification Based on SVAs Incorporated into UVM Environments
Kai Borchers ; Sergio Montenegro ; Frank Dannemann
2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference
Performance and Utilization Results for Time-Triggered Data Transfers Over Space Wire
Kai Borchers ; Sergio Montenegro ; Frank Dannemann
2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference
Robotic testing platform for autonomous rendezvous and docking of floating vehicles
Atheel Redah, Harish Rao Ramavaram, Sergio Montenegro
15th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA 2019) 27 - 28 May 2019, in ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
Satellite technology: an international, interdisciplinary master program with focus on hands-on experiences
K. Schilling, S. Montenegro, A. Nüchter,
International Astronautical Contress 2019, 21-25 October 2019, Washington D.C., United States
Flights are ten a sail re-use and commonality in the design and system engineering of small spacecraft solar sail missions with modular hardware for responsive and adaptive exploration
T. Grundman, .... S. Montenegro,
International Astronautical Contress 2019, 21-25 October 2019, Washington D.C., United States
Wireless Local Positioning System for Controlled UAV Landing in GNSS-Denied Environment
Tatiana Pavlenko, Martin Schütz, Martin Vossiek, Thomas Walter, Sergio Montenegro
Metroaeropsace- 20019, Juni 19-21 2019, Torino, Italy
An open architecture data acquisition and transfer module (openDAM) for remote ocean platforms
C. Waldmann, S. Meckel, R. Huber, S. Montenegro, M. Ruffer, M. Becker
OCEANS 2019 Marseille Technical Program
Capabilities of Gossamer-1 derived small spacecraft solar sails carrying Mascot-derived nanolanders for in-situ surveying of NEAs
Jan Thimo Grundmann, Sergio Montenegro Et.all
Acta Astronautica
Volume 156, March 2019,
The Neurocontrollerfor Satellite Rotation
Nataliya Shakhovska, Sergio Montenegro, Yurii Kryvenchuk and Maryana Zakharchuk
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA)
Capabilities of Gossamer-1 derived small spacecraft solar sails carrying Mascot-derived nanolanders for in-situ surveying of NEAs
Jan Thimo Grundmann, Sergio montenegro, Et. al.
Acta Astronautica
Software Design: It's Complicated
Michael Dorin, Sergio montenegro
International Conference on Simplicities and Complexities
Teaching Software Engineering to Career-Changers
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE World Engineering Education Conference, EDUNINE2019, Lima Peru. (March 17-20, 2019)
Small Spacecraft Based Multiple Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous and Landing with Near-Term Solar Sails and ¿Now-Term¿ Technologies
Thimo GrundmannWaldemar, ..., Sergio Montenegro, et.all,
69th International Astronautical CongressAt: Bremen, Germany, October 2018
Designing uncomplicated software
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
Journal "Interfaces"
The Smart House Based System for the Collection and Analysis of Medical Data
Yurii Kryvenchuky, Nataliya Shakhovska, Iryna Shvorob, Sergio Montenegro, Maksym Nechepurenko
IDDM 2018: Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine
Ultra-Wideband Based Pose Estimation for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
Michael Strohmeier ; Thomas Walter ; Julian Rothe ; Sergio Montenegro
Journal: IEEE Access, DECEMBER 2018 Volume: 6, Issue:1 On Page(s): 57526-57535
Print ISSN: 2169-3536
Online ISSN: 2169-3536
Capabilities of Gossamer-1 derived small spacecraft solar sails carrying MASCOT-derived nanolanders for in-situ surveying of NEAs
Jan ThimoGrundmann, et all, .... Sergio Montenegro
International Aeronautical Congress IAC 2018 (Bremen)
Verification of the C++-Operating System RODOS in Context of a Small-Satellite
Rainer Gerlich, Ralf Gerlich, Karsten Gordon, Merlin Barschke, Sergio Montenegro, Erik Dilger,
Frank Flederer
ARCS Workshop 2018; 31th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
Coding Standards and Human Nature
Michael Dorin and Sergio Montenegro
18 IEEE Conferenz on Software Qaulity, Reliability and Security
Time-triggered data transfers over SpaceWire for distributed systems
Kai Borchers, Daniel Lüdtke, Görschwin Fey, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE Aeropsace Conference 2018,
3-10 March 2018
Coding Standards and Human Nature
Michael Dorin and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE)
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2018)
Atheel Redah, Tobias Mikschl, Sergio Montenegro
Physically distributed control and swarm intelligence for space applications
4-6 June 2018. in Madrid
Coding Standards and Human Nature
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE QRS 2018: Software Quality Reliabilitx and securiy
Juli 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Eliminating Software Caused Mission Failures
Michael Dorin, Dr. Sergio Montenegro
978-1-5386-6854-2/19/$31.00 c 2019 IEEE Montana
Implementing Dependable Software for Satellites
Michael Dorin, Dr. Sergio Montenegro
ILA - Berlin 2018
The Suitability of Java for Satellite Applications
Michael Dorin, Sergio Montenegro, Juan Manuel Machuca
International Conference on CuveSat Technology: Arequipa, Oct 2018 IC2T-Arequipa, Universidad de Lima Lima, Peru
TOM: A formation for photogrammetric earth observation by three cubesats
Klaus Schilling, Tristan Tzschichholz, Iurii Motroniuk, Anna
Aumann, Ilham Mammadov, Oliver Ruf, Christopher Schmidt,
Nicolas Appel, Alexander Kleinschrodt, Sergio Montenegro, Andreas Nüchter
IAA-ASS-18 : International Academy of Astronautics
May 2018, Changsha, China
Power distribution unit (PDU) for a distributed computing network
Muhammad Faisal, Thomas Walter, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE Xplore
Porting a Real-Time Objected Oriented Dependable Operating System(RODOS) on a customizable system-on-chip
Muhammad Faisal, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE Xplore
12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT)
Physically Distributed Control and Swarm Intelligence for Space Applications
Atheel Redah, Tobias Mikschl, Sergio Montenegro
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2018)
Madrid, Spain. 4-6 Jun 2018.
Special Issue "Distributed Control Systems"
Sergio Montenegro
Time-Triggered Data Transfers over SpaceWire for Distributed Systems
Kai Borchers · Daniel Lüdtke · Görschwin Fey · Sergio Montenegro
Research gate
A Life Cycle for Creating Uncomplicated Software
Michael Dorin, Dr. Sergio Montenegro
CIS-Lima, Sep 2017
Designing Uncomplicated Software
Michael Dorin, Dr. Sergio Montenegro
CIS-Lima, Sep 2018
Evaluation of Verification Tools Continued: More Tools, More Software, More Aspects
Ralf Gerlich, Rainer Gerlich, Jens Gerlach, Jochen Burghardt
Sergio Montenegro, Frank Flederer
DASIA-2017: Gothenburg, Sweden from May 30th to June 1st
Mars Exploration ¿ missions current and future
Norbert M.K. Lemke, Dr. Oliver Funke, Dr. Volker Klein, Dr. Sergio Montenegro,
Prof. Klaus Schilling, Mr. Christian Buhler, Prof. Ulrich Walter,
68th International Astronautical Congress 2017
Special Issue "Unmanned Aerial Systems/Vehicles (UAS/V) and Drones"
Sergio Montenegro
Coupled GPS/MEMS IMU Attitude Determination of Small UAVs with COTS
Michael Strohmeier, Sergio Montenegro
Special Issue "Unmanned Aerial Systems/Vehicles (UAS/V) and Drones"
Design of a Remote-Cockpit for small Aerospace Vehicles
Muhammad Faisal, Atheel Redah , Sergio Montenegro
11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation
VaMEx - LAOLa - Valles Marineris Exploration Lokales Ad-hoc Ortungs- und Landesystem
Sergio Montenegro, Thomas Walter, Erik Dilger
11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation
instrumentation for an asteroid kinetic-impactor demonstration mission
Steffen Weisenberger, Line Drube, Sergio Montenegro
31st Oct - 4th Nov 2016, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands
Decentralized Control for Scalable Quadcopter Formations
Qasim Ali and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Full Virtualization on Low-End Hardware: a Case Study
Adriano Carvalho, Vitor Silva, Francisco Afonso, Paulo Cardoso, Jorge Cabral,
Mongkol Ekpanyapong, Sergio Montenegro, Adriano Tavares
2016 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
October 24 to 27, 2016.
Source Code Verification for Embedded Systems using Prolog
Frank Flederer, Ludwig Ostermayer, Dietmar Seipel, Sergio Montenegro
30th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2016)
Decentralized control for scalable quadcopter formations
Qasim Ali and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
A flexible hardware test and demonstration platform for the fractionated system architecture yete
Florian Kempf, Roland Haber, Tristan Tzschichholz, Tobias Mikschl, Alexander Hilgarth, Sergio Montenegro, and Klaus Schilling
DASIA 2016, Tallin (Estonia) from May 10th, to May 12th
Role of graphs for multi-agent systems and generalization of Euler's formula
Qasim Ali, and Sergio Montenegro
Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4 - 6, 2016.
Space and Time Partitioning with hardware support for Space Applications
S. Pinto, A. Tavares, S. Montenegro
DASIA 2016, Tallin (Estonia) from May 10th, to May 12th
Hypervisor for real time space applications
S. Pinto, A. Tavares, S. Montenegro
4S Symposium, Jun 2016, Malta
Debris in-situ impact detection by utilization of cube-sat solar panels
Waldemar Bauer, Oliver Romberg, Holger Krag, Geert Henk Visser,
Daniel Digirolamo, Merlin F. Barschke Sergio Montenegro
4S Symposium, Jun 2016, Malta
Collision Free Protocol for Ultrawideband Links in Distributed Satellite Avionics
Tobias Mikschl, Richard Rauscher, Sergio Montenegro, Klaus Schilling, Florian Kempf, Tristan Tzschichholz
4S Symposium, Jun 2016, Malta
Design of a compact academic course for satellite navigation and control with a real-time operating system
Muhammad Faisal, Atheel Redah, Sergio Montenegro
Inted2016, 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Valencia (Spain). 7th - 9th of March, 2016.
Explicit Model Following Distributed Control
Scheme for Formation Flying of Mini UAVs
Qasim Ali, and Sergio Montenegro
IEEE Explore, Digital Library
Quadrotor control system for education and research
Nils Gageik, Sergio Montenegro
INTED2016. Valencia. 7-9 March - IATED
Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV With Complementary Low-Cost Sensors
Nils Gageik, Paul Benz, Sergio Montenegro
IEEE Explore, Digital Library, May 2015
Resource sharing, communication and control for fractionated spacecraft (YETE)
T. Mikschl S. Montenegro A. Hilgarth F. Kempf
K. Schilling T. Tzschichholz
10th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 8 - 12, 2013, Berlin, Germany
April 2015, Berlin
ISBN: - pending -
VIDANA: A fault tolerant approach for a distributed data management system in nano-satellites
Thomas Walter, Alexander Hilgarth, Tobias Mikschl, Sergio Montenegro
10th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 8 - 12, 2013, Berlin, Germany
April 2015, Berlin
ISBN: - pending -
Simple approach to quadrocopter formation flying test setup for education and development
Qasim Ali, Sergio Montenegro
INTED2015 International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Madrid (Spain), 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March, 2015.
Concept for practical exercises for studying autonomous flying robots in a university environment
Nils Gageik, Erik Dilger, Sergio Montenegroa, Stefan Schön, Rico Wildenhein,
Reiner Creutzburg, Arno Fischer
SPIE-2015: Electronic Imaging
8 - 12 February 2015 ;
SPIE Electronic Imaging; San Francisco, California
Implementation of a nanosatellite on-board software based on building-blocks
M. F. Barschke, K. Großekatthöfer, S. Montenegro
The 4S Symposium 2014
Reliable networked distributed on-board data handling using a modular approach with heterogeneous components
Florian Kempf, Alexander Hilgarth, Ali Kheirkhah, Tobias Mikschl, Tristan
Tzschichholz, Sergio Montenegroand Klaus Schilling
The 4S Symposium 2014
MOTH: an underwater glider design study carried out as part of the HGF Alliance ROBEX
Christoph Waldmann, Arne Kausche, Morten Iversen, Alexander Pototzky, Gertjan Looye, Sergio Montenegro,
Ralf Bachmayer, Detlef Wilde
Oceanic Engineering Society - IEEE AUV 2014 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
October 6 - 9, 2014, Oxford, MS
Resource sharing, communication and control for fractionated
spacecraft (YETE)
F. Kempf K. Schilling S. Montenegro T. Mikschl
A. Hilgarth A. Kheirkhah T. Tzschichholz
the IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2015
Complementary vision based data fusion for robust positioning and directed flight
of an autonomous quadrocopter
Nils Gageik, Eric Reinthal, Paul Benz and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2014
A Matlab Implementation of Differential GPS for Low-cost GPS Receivers
Qasim Ali & Sergio Montenegro
the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; Volume 8; Number 3; September 2014
A review on distributed control of cooperating mini UAVs
Qasim Ali, Nils Gageik and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2014
VIDANA -- An Extremely Fault Tolerant Data Management System for Satellites
Sergio Montenegro, Alexander Hilgarth, Tobias Mikschl, Michael Ruffer, Thomas Walter
nternational Workshop on Fractionated Spacecraft (IWFS2014)
19th June 2014; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
YETE: Robuste, verteilte Systeme im Automotive- und Aerospacebereich durch eine modulare, flexible Echtzeitplattform
A. Hilgarth, T. Mikschl, S. Montenegro, K. Schilling, F. Kempf, A. Kheirkhah, T. Tzschichholz
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 16. - 18. September 2014, Augsburg
YETE: Distributed, Networked Embedded Control Approaches for Efficient, Reliable Mobile Systems
Sergio Montenegro, Klaus Schilling
embedded world Conference 2014
25.-27.2.2014, Nuremberg, Germany
Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects
Nils Gageik1, Christian Reul and Sergio Montenegro
Internationale UAV World Konferenz, 2013
Autonomous UAV with optical-flow sensor for positioning and navigation
Nils Gageik, Michael Strohmeier and Sergio Montenegro
Open Access InTech Journals 2013
Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects
Nils Gageik, Christian Reul and Sergio Montenegro
8th nternational aerospace supply fair
November 5 ¿ 7 Frankfurt/Main, Germay
2013 Seminar SS13
Folien Kalmanfilter-1Dim
Folien Kalmanfilter-NDim
Waypoint Flight Parameter Comparison of an Autonomous UAV
Nils Gageik, Michael Strohmeier and Sergio Montenegro
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications
Jun 2013
ISSN : 0975-900X ( Online ); 0976-2191 (Print)
The Ends of Small - Practical Engineering Constraints in the Design of Planetary Defence Missions
J.T. Grundmann, J. Biele, M. Drobczyk, C. Lange, S. Montenegro, F. Nohka, J.-C. Schröder, M. Wrasmann
Planetary Defense Conference 2013
Flagstaff, USA, April 2013
ISBN: - pending -
VIDANA: data management system for nanosatellites
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Thomas Walter
D-Luft und Rahmfhartkongress-2013
10. .. 12 September 2013
ISBN: - pending -
network data management system for nano satellites (VIDANA)
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Thomas Walter, Erik Dilger
DASIA 2012 DAta Systems In Aerospace
May 2013, Protugal
ISBN: - pending -
Embedded logging framework for spacecrafts
Frank Dannemann, Sergio Montenegro
DASIA 2012 DAta Systems In Aerospace
May 2013, Protugal
ISBN: - pending -
Visionary data management system for nano satellites (VIDANA)
Dr. Sergio Montenegro
9th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 8 - 12, 2013, Berlin, Germany
see proceedings here
April 2013, Berlin
ISBN: - pending -
From TET Data Management System (DMS) to RODOS generic DMS
Dr. Sergio Montenegro
9th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 8 - 12, 2013, Berlin, Germany
April 2013, Berlin
ISBN: - pending -
Award paper:
Implementation of Middleware Switch ASIC Processor
Vladimir Petrovic, Marko Ilic, Gunter Schoof, and Sergio Montenegro
Telfor Journal Vol.4 No.2 (2012)
ISSN 1821-3251
Data fusion principles for height control and autonomous landing of a quadrocopter
Nils Gageik, Julian Rothe, Sergio Montenegro
20th to 21th of November, 2012
Obstacle detection and collision avoidance using ultrasonic distance sensors for an autonomous quadrocopter
Nils Gageik, Thilo Müller, Sergio Montenegro
20th to 21th of November, 2012
Wireless Avionics for a Solar Sailer
Sergio Montenegro, Thomas Walter, Muhamad Faisal, Norbert Toth, Frank Dannemann
DASIA 2012 DAta Systems In Aerospace
14th of May 16th of May, 2012
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2012: A Customizable and ARINC 653 Quasi-compliant Hypervisor
A. Tavares, A. Carvalho, P. Garcia, T. Gomes, J. Cabral, P. Cardoso, M. Ekpanyapong and S. Montenegro
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)
19-21 March 2012, Athens, Greece
2012: RodosVisor - an object-oriented and customizable hypervisor: The CPU virtualization
Jorje Cabral, Sergio Montenegro
IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational
Intelligence and Telematics in Control, CESCIT'12,
Germany, April 3-5, 2012.
Avionic control systems for education and development
Nils Gageil, Atheel Redah, Sergio Montenegro
International Technology, Education and Development Conference
5th to 7th of March, 2012
Valencia (Spain).
2012: Integration of Software and Hardware Building Blokcs for Space Applications
Sergio Montenegro
Anual Computer Science Series 2012
2012: Systemarchitektur für Raumfahrtanwendungen
24. GI/GMM/ITG-Workshop "Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen"
26th bis 28th Februar 2012 in Cottbus
Experiences and Best Practice Requirements Engineering for Small Satellites
Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann
The Computing Science and Technology International Journal 2012
2011: Middleware Switch ASIC Implementation
Sergio Montenegro, Vladimir Petrovic
ICECS 2011: International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems
Beirut, Lebanon from 11-14 December 2011.
Proceedings: The Second Internatilnal Conferecne
on Advances in Satellit and Space Communications
Igor Bisio, Sergio Montenegro, Ling Pei
June 13-19, 2010 - Athens, Greece
ISBN: 978-0-7695-4067-2
Network Centric Systems for Space Applications
Sergio Montenegro: DLR Institut for spacesystems
Vladimir Petrovic, Gunter Schoof : IHP GmbH
June 13-19, 2010 - Athens, Greece
ISBN: 978-0-7695-4067-2
Computer Centric versus Network Centric Concepts
Sergio Montenegro, Benjamin Vogel: DLR Institut for spacesystems
Gunter Schoof, Vladimir Petrovic: IHP GmbH
DASIA 2010 DAta Systems In Aerospace
1st to 4th June 2010
Budapest (Hungary)
Ultra Fast Recovery
Sergio Montenegro
DLR Institut for spacesystems
DASIA 2010 DAta Systems In Aerospace
1st to 4th June 2010
Budapest (Hungary)
spacecraft area netowkr (SCAN) for plug and play of devices
Sergio Montenegro, Benjamin Vogel : DLR Institut for spacesystems
Vladimir Petrovic, Gunter Schoof : IHP
Andreas Herrholz, Kim Gruettner : OFFIS
Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium 2010
Pestana Conference Centre, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
31 May - 4 June 2010
(Spacecraft Bus Controller + automotive ECU)/2 = Ultimate Controller
Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann, Benjamin Vogel : DLR Institut for spacesystems
Ulf Noyer, Jan Gacnik, Marco Hannibal : DLR Institute of Transportation Systems
Workshop ENVISION2020
Paderborn, 22.26. Februar 2010
(C) Gesellschaft für Informatik
Gi-Edition in informatics
Software Engineering 2010- Workshopband
issn 1617-5468
isbn 978-3-88579-254-3
Merging Spacecraft Bus Controller and automotive ECU for the Ultimate Controller
Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann, Benjamin Vogel : DLR Institut for spacesystems
Ulf Noyer, Jan Gacnik, Marco Hannibal : DLR Institute of Transportation Systems
DASIA 2010 DAta Systems In Aerospace
1st to 4th June 2010
Budapest (Hungary)
Space on-board softwre reference architecture
Savior-Faire Group: P. Arberet, S. Montenegro, J. Terrallion, A. Jung, A.Rossignol,
G. Garcia, J. Li, A. Rodriguez, P. Hougaard, S. Fowel, M. Ferraguto, S. Mazzini
DASIA 2010 DAta Systems In Aerospace
1st to 4th June 2010
Budapest (Hungary)
Fault-Tolerant Middleware Switch for Space Applications
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Ebrahim Haririan
IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Space Mission
Challenges for Information Technology -
Pages 333-340
Year of Publication: 2009
German Research Cooperation Upper Stage
Jens Gerstmann, Arnold van Foreest, Lutz Dittrich, Sergio Montenegro;Institute of Space Systems, DLR, Bremen, Germany
Markus Gauer, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Göttingen, Germany
Chiara Manfletti; Institute of Space Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany
Christian Hühne, Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, Braunschweig, Germany
Rodrigo da Costa; EADS Astrium, Bremen, Germany
CEAS 2009: Air and Space Confernce, Europe
October 26-29, 2009 - Manchester, UK
Network Centric Core Avionics for Dependable Systems
Dr. Sergio Montenegro
CEAS 2009: Air and Space Confernce, Europe
October 26-29, 2009 - Manchester, UK
Fault-Tolerant Middleware Switch for Space Applications
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Ebrahim Haririan
Third IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information
Technology (SMC-IT)
July 19-23, 2009 - Pasadena, USA
RODOS for Network Centric Core Avionics
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, John Richardson
Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications
July 20-25, 2009 - Colmar, France
Network Centric Core Avionics
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Gunter Schoof, Ebrahim Haririan
DASIA 2009 DAta Systems In Aerospace
26 to 29 May 2009, Istanbul
RODOS: Real Time Kernel Design for Dependability
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann
DASIA 2009 DAta Systems In Aerospace
26 to 29 May 2009, Istanbul
Network Centric Core Avionics
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Lutz Dittrich
7th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Mai 04 - 08, 2009, Berlin, Germany
Mai 2009
ISBN: - pending -
The software architecture for TET and AsteroidFinder satellites
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann
7th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Mai 04 - 08, 2009, Berlin, Germany
Mai 2009
ISBN: - pending -
Requirements-Driven Design of Small Satellites: TET and AsteroidFinder
Dr. Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann
7th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Mai 04 - 08, 2009, Berlin, Germany
Mai 2009
ISBN: - pending -
AsteroidFinder: Unveiling the Population of Inner Earth Objects
Mottola, S., Börner, A., Grundmann, J.T. , Hahn, G., Kazeminejad B.,
Kührt, E., Michaelis, H., Montenegro, S., Schmitz, N., Spietz P.
59th International aeronautical congress,
29th September to 3th October, Glasgow, Scotland.
An example from space: new development for high dependability for space board computing.
Sergio Montenegro, Lutz Dittrich
Automotive Safety and Security 2008
18.11.2008 - 19.11.2008, Stuttgart
Application-Level Fault Tolerance in Real-Time Embedded Systems
Francisco Afonso; Carlos Silva; Adriano Tavares; Sergio Montenegro
Third International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
11 - 13 June 2008, Montpellier France
IEEE, cop. 2008. ISBN 978-1-4244-1995-1. p. 126-133.
ISSN: 978-1-4244-1995-1
Critical real-time embedded systems need to make use of fault tolerance techniques to cope with operation time errors, either in hardware or software. Fault tolerance is usually applied by means of redundancy and diversity. Redundant hardware implies the establishment of a distributed system executing a set of fault tolerance strategies by software, and may also employ some form of diversity, by using different variants or versions for the same processing. This work proposes and evaluates a fault tolerance framework for supporting the development of dependable applications. This framework is build upon basic operating system services and middleware communications and brings flexible and transparent support for application threads. A case study involving radar filtering is described and the framework advantages and drawbacks are discussed.
Architecture of the SSB Corea Avionics System
Sergio Montenegro, Lutz Dittrich
DASIA 2008 DAta Systems In Aerospace
27 to 30 May 2008, Palma de Majorca
Aspect-Oriented Fault Tolerance for Real-Time
Embedded Systems
Francisco Afonso; Carlos Silva; Nuno Brito; Sergio Montenegro; Adriano Tavares
7th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS '08)
31. March 2008, Brussels, Belfium
ACM , cop. 2008
ISBN 978-1-60558-142-2.
This paper describes our approach to introduce fault tolerance in distributed embedded systems applications, using aspect-oriented programming (AOP).
A real-time operating system supporting middleware thread communication was integrated to a fault tolerant framework.
The introduction of fault tolerance in the system is performed by AOP at the application thread level.
The advantages of this approach include higher modularization, less efforts for legacy systems evolution and
better configurability for testing and product line development.
This work has been tested and evaluated successfully in several fault tolerant configurations and
presented no significant performance or memory footprint costs.
The Core Avionics System for the DLR Compact-Satellite Series
Sergio Montenegro, Lutz Dittrich
Small Satellites Systems and Services The 4S Symposium
26 - 30 May 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Utilisation of the BIRD satellite after its end of Operational Life
Jan-Thimo Grundmann, Winfried Halle, Sergio Montenegro
Small Satellites Systems and Services The 4S Symposium
26 - 30 May 2008, Rhodes, Greece
The new DLR Standard Satellite Bus series (SSB)
Dr. Sergio Montenegro , Jan-Thimo Grundmann, Dr. Bobby Kazeminejad, Dr. Peter Spietz
Small Satellites Systems and Services The 4S Symposium
26 - 30 May 2008, Rhodes, Greece
A Service-Oriented Onboard Software Framework for Small Satellites
Sergio Montenegro, Frank Dannemann
Small Satellites Systems and Services The 4S Symposium
26 - 30 May 2008, Rhodes, Greece
Software: The underestimated component in space missions
Sergio Montenegro, Raffaele Vitulli
First CEAS European Air and Space Conference
Century Perspectives
10-13 September 2007 in Berlin, Germany
An unusual Approach to Dependability for Space SWApplications
Sergio Montenegro, Raffaele Vitulli
DASIA 2007 DAta Systems In A erospace
29th May - 1st June 2007
Naples, Italy
Assessment of the Resilience Concept by means of the HiPeRCAR Simulator
Pasquale A. Marra, Daniel Akuatse, Emily Crudo, Flavio Fusco, Sergio Montenegro, Raffaele Vitulli
DASIA 2007 DAta Systems In A erospace
29th May - 1st June 2007
Naples, Italy
Applying aspects to a real-time embedded operating system
Francisco Afonso, C. Silva, Sergio Montenegro, A. Tavares
Sixth AOSD Workshop on
Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software
March 2007
Sergio Montenegro, R. Vitulli
Flowing Taks: Scalable Software Dependability and Performance
IAA-B6-1104 - 6th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 23 - 26, 2007, Berlin, Germany
April 2007
ISBN: 3-89685-571-9
Rolf Haenisch, Sergio Montenegro;
Command-Scripts for Pico Satellites
IAA-B6-1104 - 6th Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 23 - 26, 2007, Berlin, Germany
April 2007